Teachings of Lord Kapila The Son of Devahuti (Hindi)


Lord Kapila is a renowned sage and the author of the philosophical system known as Sankhya, which forms an important part of India’s ancient philosophical heritage. Kapila Muni, a renowned sage of antiquity, is the author of the philosophical system known as S??khya, which forms an important part of India?s ancient philosophical heritage. S??khya is both a system of metaphysics, dealing with the elemental principles of the physical universe, and a system of spiritual knowledge, with its own methodology, culminating in full consciousness of the Supreme Absolute. Kapila, however, is not an ordinary philosopher or sage. According to Vedic tradition, the tradition of India?s ancient scriptural literature, He Himself is an avatar (incarnation) of the Supreme Absolute Truth.

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Teachings of Lord Kapila The Son of Devahuti (Hindi)

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