Message of Godhead


Religion and spirituality has been existing from time immemorial. The influences of various people, places and times have led us to designate and coronate ourselves as Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Socialists & Bolsheviks, Communists, Jewish and so forth. The field of religion has seen us trying to establish many varieties of ephemeral physical and mental arrangements, varieties of denominations, according to various people, places and times.

And precisely for this reason, we can envision ourselves “changing religions.”  One who is a Hindu today may become a Mohammedan the next day, or one who is a Mohammedan today may become a Christian the next day, and so on. But when we attain transcendental knowledge and are established in sanatana-dharma, the actual, eternal religion of the living entity – the spirit soul – then and then only can we attain real, undeniable peace, prosperity, and happiness in the world.

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Message of Godhead

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