It is not possible to go to Krishna unless one attains a body like Krishna?s, a sac-cid-ananda-vigraha body, a body full of eternity, knowledge and bliss. One therefore should not take this process of Krishna consciousness as something cheap, but as a matchless gift bestowed upon suffering humanity by the Lord Himself. Simply by engaging in this process, all the anxieties and fears of one’s life, which in actuality revolve about the fear of death, are allayed
The purpose of this Hare K???a movement is to bring man back to his original consciousness, which is K???a consciousness, clear consciousness. When water falls from the clouds, it is uncontaminated like distilled water, but as soon as it touches the ground it becomes muddy and discolored. Similarly, we are originally pure spirit soul, part and parcel of K???a, and therefore our original constitutional position is as pure as God?s.
The matchless gift is permanent freedom from material suffering. But how to obtain the gift? What is the price to pay?
No money in the world can buy spiritual freedom. Yet it is the rarest, most valuable, and most sought-after commodity. And it is equally available to the poor and the wealthy. Do you want the gift in your life? The choice is yours. Here are the steps to achieve it, laid out one after another. Take one step at a time, and you’ll find you’ve bought the matchless gift.