It is mentioned often in the Vedic scriptures that the word Krishna even uttered once is transcendental. Krishna means the highest pleasure. Every living entity in this material world seeks for pleasure. Some seek for material pleasure by enjoying the senses some seek for pleasures residing on the spiritual platform. The inherent urge to attain pleasure still remains with every individual. The seekers of pleasure in this material world do not know how to seek pleasure perfectly. And even if they do they are unaware of how to make it last permanently. With a materialistic concept of life, the living beings(we) are frustrated at our every step in satisfying our sensory pleasures because we have no information regarding the real level on which to have real pleasure.
To enjoy real pleasure the realization that he or she is not the body but consciousness, is very important. One has to realize that not exactly consciousness, for consciousness is actually the symptom of our real existence, the soul. The book ?Krishna the reservoir of pleasure? provides us with deep insightful learning of we are not this body but pure soul and the real happiness is achieved only by satisfying the soul. This introductory book also presents the basic knowledge of Krishna (God), His qualities and nature, and why He is known as the source of all pleasure. Come read and learn about Krishna’s fascinating personality and activities and enter into the unlimited reservoir of pleasure.
Krishna The Reservoir of Pleasure (Small) (Hindi)
It is mentioned often in the Vedic scriptures that the word Krishna even uttered once is transcendental. Krishna means the highest pleasure. Every living entity in this material world seeks for pleasure. Some seek for material pleasure by enjoying the senses some seek for pleasures residing on the spiritual platform. The inherent urge to attain pleasure still remains with every individual. The seekers of pleasure in this material world do not know how to seek pleasure perfectly. And even if they do they are unaware of how to make it last permanently.
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